I'm getting a definite boost in performance using Mantle, even compared to Mantle before the patch.. There is also performance gains using DX11 as well compared to pre-patch but Mantle definitely gets me higher FPS'.. Inquisition No SpoilersDragon Age: Inquisition Mantle vs DirectX 11 graphics (self.. In Redcliffe there were parts where I was in the 30'swhen using DX11 and now I'm in the high 40's low 50's in the same parts.. dragonage) submitted 3 years ago by worldblues I got this setting called Mantle which I can choose between that or DX11. Tascam Us 200 Driver For Mac

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I'm getting a definite boost in performance using Mantle, even compared to Mantle before the patch.. There is also performance gains using DX11 as well compared to pre-patch but Mantle definitely gets me higher FPS'.. Inquisition No SpoilersDragon Age: Inquisition Mantle vs DirectX 11 graphics (self.. In Redcliffe there were parts where I was in the 30'swhen using DX11 and now I'm in the high 40's low 50's in the same parts.. dragonage) submitted 3 years ago by worldblues I got this setting called Mantle which I can choose between that or DX11. 518b7cbc7d Tascam Us 200 Driver For Mac

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Dragon Age Inquisition Mantle Or Dx11